We're keeping our heads above water, so to speak, the return to "normal" has taken a little adjusting to but we're getting there...
There have been nights with not enough sleep, mornings with Jimmy making a fuss about not wanting to go to school, teary drop offs, big hugs in the afternoon, lots of coffee consumed, tears shed, I fell off my bike and grazed my knee, there has been a distinct reduction in photos taken, and autumn is in the air...
Well... autumn has only just arrived, but there are signs of it everywhere from Halloween decorations to sunflowers everywhere and the tallgrass doing its thing...
Our new normal is still a work-in-progress but we're getting there. Hopefully the decreasing hours of daylight wont throw us out too much, hopefully none of us get sick, and hopefully a few more posts because there's a backlog that goes right back to the County Fair (oooops!).
Watch this space, more soon, mostly photos. (Note to self: take more photos.)