To family and friends...

If you see a post that looks like an email or part of a text based conversation you have had with either Michael or myself, that's because it is. Sometimes, things are for the sharing and sometimes the answer to a very good question should be shared, perhaps after a little editing... (like Jimmy's birth story - I think it went through 3 edits before it went up on facebook, and it will go through another before I share it with him, when he's old enough to remember.) Please feel flattered because you inspired a post. Some things are not for sharing, and will not be seen here. I'd like to think we can tell the difference, but if you feel something should remain private, please let Michael or I know in the email or conversation, but you'd probably do that anyway.

Also, if you think that this space is a little too rosy, based on your conversations with us, please let us know. I hope to be honest, but sometimes it can take a few days or weeks before a rough patch is not too prickly to share. Sometimes it is nice to be reminded that sharing is important, even the down days, because it means that you're reading this and sharing in our adventures and misadventures while we are on the other side of the world.

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