Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Disruptive weeks and stolen days...

There was a big, long draft for this post... and it's gone. Perhaps it's for the best - it was rather long...

Let's just say that there were two weeks that were very disruptive, ending about a week ago. Why? Well, Jimmy had two viruses. Back to back, poor boy.

There were days when we dropped him off at daycare only to be called up because he had a fever or threw up. Sometimes he was fine the following morning and sometimes daycare required that he be fever free before he returned.

There was even a trip to the doctor, just to make sure that Jimmy's cough and fever were nothing serious - and they were nothing serious.

There were days when Jimmy seemed to have energy and appetite, only to end in long naps and slight fever again.

There were two days when Jimmy seemed healthy, so we ran around, even went to the library, just like old times... Sweet, stolen days...

There was a night, or early morning (3 am), when we thought for a second that we had to make a run to the emergency room but it was a tight nappy.

There were days when Jimmy hardly touched his food and nights when he was breastfeeding every hour, not that I was checking.

And then Jimmy started eating again, started running around the living room again, and fully returned to his chirpy, cheeky self.

The first day back at work was the worst: Jimmy screamed at dropoff... The last time I had left him screaming in the arms of non-family he was less than two days old. I couldn't deal. I just couldn't. Jimmy didn't like it either, he missed hanging out at home too, sweet child.

And now we're back in the swing of things, and drop off is smooth, work if fine, and Jimmy is healthy: he is eating more than me and ever so cheeky - it's great, but I miss hanging out with my boy...

P.S. A quick thank you to everyone who checked in while all I was posting was the 52 Project. It's nice to know that you were thinking about us, over at the Playground.

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