This is a scarlet-sided pobblebonk. A native Australian frog, which Michael found in our backyard when he was doing some digging. We've all been busy gardening in the front- and backyards, getting gardens ready for spring (which is truly here) and summer, and it's wonderful to be able to find these frogs around the house. The sounds of the pobblebonks is something from my childhood, when frogs around here start up their chorus after periods of rain. Based on the noise, there are a lot of frogs around here.
Jimmy was keen to hold it and very gentle but firm, once he got over the initial shock of it jumping away on a few occasions. We found another one this morning, buried in pile of sand at a friends place where he, Michael, and Pop are building a pizza oven (!!).
Once I had taken photos of this frog at the sandpit, Jimmy let it go and it started burying itself in the sand. I'm glad that the burrowing frogs are still in the old sandpit. And it will be safe in the sandpit, safe from predators and dehydration, but we will have to remember to be careful when digging up the garden - so we don't hurt members of either frog species.
The frogs here are amazing - particularly around spawning time when they spend the whole day in chorus.