"a portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014"
Oh what a week! Let's start with me having mastitis (there's a post on the way, I promise), then Wednesday morning Jimmy threw up twice because he was coming down with a fever, he slept most of that day, fed and slept that night while his body battled a virus, on Thursday Michael had some glassware blow up in his hands at work and he came home early with a minor cut and a few little burns. Jimmy was over the worst by Thursday, although he still had a fever or two until Saturday morning.
This weekend has been filled with low key activities, including naps, gentle walks, a little exploring of the local area, and swims in the pool. It's been really relaxing, and just what we needed. We're also riding a little wave of excitement as my parents are getting close to setting dates for their visit - yay!
What a cutie.