Monday, 8 December 2014


"a portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2014"

Jimmy: Enjoying some "dum" in the cold, waiting for the bus.

Oh that little face! He'd been so patient with us as we traipsed around getting a birthday present for a friend and groceries for a special lunch. We had woken late, so had sort of missed lunch, and after coffee for Dad and Mum, and a quick play at the Discovery Center, we needed to get some food for lunch the next day, and a late lunch at 4pm - which we inhaled out in the cold while waiting for the bus.

Mini croissants went down a treat. Just enough of everything to fill a little hungry belly for a bit, and they are "dum" - meaning everything from "I'm hungry" to "mealtime!", and it's Jimmy's way of saying "yum", because food is yummy. Even when out in the cold. (Not after Michael took this photo, I put Jimmy in the Manduca, inside my coat, and my little boy had some more sustenance, and fell asleep on the bus.)

Michael took this photo. He took quite a few good ones yesterday, but this was the best. Together, we've taken a bunch of lovely photos of Jimmy, but it's really nice to see the collection of weekly photos growing. I'm struggling to believe that the year is almost over, just a few more weeks to go...

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