Thursday, 31 December 2015


a portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015

Jimmy: Posing with penguins...

So, we may have been in Chicago recently, which goes a little way in explaining the "radio silence" here of late. And we may have gone to the Lincoln Park Zoo to see the Christmas lights...

More on the trip later, but Jimmy and Daddy can be seen here, posing in front of some illuminated penguins. It was difficult to get a good light balance because of how bright the penguins were (or I need to get better at photography...). I would like to point out that it was about 5 pm when I took these photos, no sunlight, the Zoo was crowded, and I can't remember if Jimmy is "smiling" or making his scary face... We enjoyed the Zoo.


  1. Love that Snow. I wish we had some here. Jimmy you are gorgeous.

  2. Is that your happy face Jimmy. Grandma loves it.
