Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Over the weekend we...

Went to the library to quickly return some DVDs and a book, and pick up some more DVDs (cheap entertainment - yay!). Jimmy enjoyed splashing the water in the library's fountain, and somehow managed to stay mostly dry. He enjoyed the bus rides, even if we cut the second one a little short. For nothing less than monkey bread and coffee at Arrow.

Jimmy was still hungry, so decided to 'eat' a leaf on the walk home. Cheeky monkey.

I don't know what species that butterfly (or moth) is, but it's pretty and I was sorry to disturb it when I went to hold the lilac still - it was a hot and windy day. And my knee held up, and I can still walk.

These two. My world. Just saying. 

A turkey vulture or two (not pictured) were making the most of the warm up drafts. Some smaller birds were not happy about the turkey vultures being around.

I have been thinking about how I don't have many photos of myself with a certain almost-two-year-old, so I asked Michael to take a few of the two of us.

This walkway is lovely this time of year. Everything is green, it's away from cars, there are all sorts of things to look at, and on a hot day it is a nice place to wander, even around midday.

Jimmy stood still long enough to notice squirrels in a tree. Squirrel! 


Have I mentioned that this is my 200th blog post? Yes it is! Thanks for being a part of this. Michael and I are homesick, but Manhattan, KS, is home to Jimmy. We're making the most of our time here, but we are already thinking about the next thing, the next place. Berlin, perhaps, just to complete the song title? We are actually thinking a little closer to home, but we still more time here, and I'm getting excited about the Riley County Fair - Jimmy probably doesn't remember last year's.

Thanks for reading and thanks to Michael for taking the photos of me and Jimmy, and for contributing so many, many photos to the Playground. Look out for post 201, sometime soon, so long as nothing melts... Did I mention it's summer?

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