Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Over the weekend we...

Had a little birthday party for Jimmy. And didn't take a single photo. Except a photo of the cake (and yes, it's the same recipe that I made for his birthday breakfast).

Just like last year.

And just like last year, it happened sorta-kinda by accident, but it is also easier to host and get lost in the moment when I'm not trying to get a photo of a fast moving boy. (I'm also really bad at asking my friends if I can use photos of their children here.)

It was a lovely gathering and it was really good to keep the numbers low - Jimmy, like so many small children, can be overwhelmed by crowds and lots of noise even in his own home. The two small children who were able to make it seemed to have a great time and left tired but happy, even if one of them wasn't that interested in going home. Jimmy slept well once the guests were all gone, and he was happy to see his friends today, so I think he enjoyed his birthday party.

One of the things about having guests over for special events like birthday parties is that it's nice to have a clean house for everyone. Yes, I'm not a huge fan of cleaning and sorting, but there is something about clean surfaces and organised books. It won't last long. The mess is already returning.

On Sunday we found some uninvited guests on our sage... Three little, green caterpillars had been happily munching away on some of the leaves. And of course I didn't take any photos. Story of the weekend? The wee beasties are gone now, so are the damaged leaves, but the sage might still need a little attention. Ah well...

Michael and I stayed up late on Sunday night, reading our books. And then there was a storm, just as I was crawling into bed. Let's just say today required lots of coffee and a nap. At least it was cool enough to have the windows open.

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