Tuesday 23 June 2015

Over the weekend we...

Welcomed the turning of the seasons by staying inside most of the time, venturing to the pool and the school playground (where everything was a little too hot to touch even at 10am in the morning), and sleeping under the ceiling fan. It was well over 35 C on Saturday, and only slightly cooler on Sunday.

Yay... It's now summer-proper...

But the sun will set a little earlier and rise a little later each and every day. Some days will be very hot, like today, and others will be not as hot but muggy. The morning light will slowly move back across the kitchen and then to the side of the living room where we eat our meals. And then it will be autumn and then winter...

Ah the tilting of the Earth's axis. It is very, very important - I just wish that there wasn't so far to walk to the bus stop.

What we did for the Winter Solstice - it was a bit of a bigger deal.

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