Monday 1 June 2015


a portrait of my son, once a week, every week in 2015

Jimmy: Ride Daddy's shoulder(s)...

What you can see in this photo is love. Love and spring. When riding our shoulders, Jimmy usually sits a little more evenly on our shoulders, but for a short time he sat on Daddy's right shoulder. And then he walked up the "stairs", i.e. the retaining wall on the right. I think we are all enjoying this stage where Jimmy is confident with his walking (and running), but still small enough to be carried in our arms or on our shoulders.

What you can't see is the traces of snot on Jimmy's face nor the very slow pace of Jimmy's walking and running, because it's the weekend and Jimmy doesn't like to nap on weekends, because Daddy is home. And I'm cool with that, even if Jimmy needs his sleep because he (and I) is still dealing with a mild cold. That's spring for you. At least snot is less distressing, mostly, than the fever Jimmy had this time last year..

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