Saturday 20 June 2015

Quick reads...

It's been feeling like summer, Brisbane summer, and I keep thinking that Christmas is coming, even though we're seeing fireflies and Jimmy's second birthday is coming up. Clearly I'm mixing things up in my head...

This weekend is a big one: the Summer Solstice and Father's Day are both on Sunday. It's also going to be hot. Proper hot. The coming heat wave will not make things any better, but here's to a weekend at home, drinking lots of iced water, staying out of the sun, and enjoying the pool. Happy weekend!

Here are a few things I've enjoyed reading this week:

139 new species identified!! It's very exciting.
I gave it all up...
Luxury-communism anyone?
An interesting look at saying thank you.
The women whom science forgot.
How to recognise the artists of paintings.

Plus some I have been meaning to share for a while:

The Birth Centre at the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital turned 20 a few months ago.
Green is the new denim.
A gentle, reflective piece on miscarriage.
A crafty life
Why too much Facebook is not good for you.

(How to recognise the artists of paintings via A Cup of Jo, world events and green is the new denim via Reading My Tea Leaves, crafty life via Down to Earth)

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